Timing Belt Pulleys
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cast iron EN-GJL-250 UNI EN 1561
steel C45 E UNI EN 10083-1
Aluminium 6082 T6 UNI 9006/4
These items are supplied with a small prebore so that they can be machined according to customers’ requirements. Furthermore –for the most common types- also taperlock bore are available, together with timing bars. Here following all the different types of timing belt pulleys are showed:
MXL 025 (prebored)
XL 037 (prebored)
L 050 (prebored or taperbored)
L 075 (prebored or taperbored)
L 100 (prebored or taperbored)
H 075 (prebored)
H 100 (prebored or taperbored)
H 150 (prebored or taperbored)
H 200 (prebored or taperbored)
H 300 (prebored or taperbored)
XH 200 (prebored or taperbored)
XH 300 (prebored or taperbored)
XH 400 (prebored or taperbored)
XXH 200 (prebored)
XXH 300 (prebored)
XXH 400 (prebored)
XXH 500 (prebored)
T 2,5 (prebored)
T 5-21 (prebored)
T 5-27 (prebored)
T 5-36 (prebored)
T 10-31 (prebored)
T 10-40 (prebored)
T 10-47 (prebored)
T 10-66 (prebored)
T 20-53 (prebored)
T 20-71 (prebored)
T 20-123 (prebored)
AT 5-21 (prebored)
AT 5-27 (prebored)
AT 5-36 (prebored)
AT 10-31 (prebored)
AT 10-40 (prebored)
AT 10-47 (prebored)
AT 10-66 (prebored)
HTD 3M-06 (prebored )
HTD 3M-09 (prebored )
HTD 3M-15 (prebored )
HTD 5M-09 (prebored )
HTD 5M-15 (prebored or taperbored)
HTD 5M-25 (prebored )
HTD 8M-20 (prebored or taperbored)
HTD 8M-30 (prebored or taperbored)
HTD 8M-50 (prebored or taperbored)
HTD 8M-85 (prebored or taperbored)
HTD 14M-40 (prebored or taperbored)
HTD 14M-55 (prebored or taperbored)
HTD 14M-85 (prebored or taperbored)
HTD 14M-115 (prebored or taperbored)
HTD 14M-170 (prebored or taperbored)
HTD 20M-115 (prebored)
HTD 20M-170 (prebored )
HTD 20M-230 (prebored )
HTD 20M-290 (prebored )
HTD 20M-340 (prebored )
Timing belt pulleys are largely used for different applications. KRS has been dealing with timing belt pulleys for a long time and has always met the raising demand of its customers. Many timing belt pulleys are available ex stock according to the belt they are matching to ( according to pitch, width and form of toothing). The materials used depend on the dimension and type of Pulleys and are showed in the following list.
Henan KRS Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd
Location:Zhengzhou Henan China
Email: helenzhang87@outlook.com
Skype:+86 13673974823